Self care for the Silly Season
Written by Skye Thomas

Welcome to the "Silly Season" where all the festivities arrive for the next month or more! All the "extras" that are piled into this time of year and the heat can be the perfect storm for exhaustion and depletion if we aren't conscious of our choices.
The added pressure of finding a car park at the shopping centres, catching up with friends and family before the end of the year, getting the perfect gift for your children's school teachers or workmates, Christmas parties and the list goes on and on.
All this on top of keeping up with your work and family commitments, and staying on top of general life admin, is a delicate dance of action and planning to avoid stress and overwhelm.
So what are some things we can do to help minimise the overwhelm that can be felt during the Holiday season? Read on below for our self-care tips.
Say No
Consciously saying "No" to something you don't want to do means that you are saying "Yes" to something else that is ideally more nourishing to you.
This may be saying "No" to looking after your sisters' kids (again), cooking another Christmas dessert or going to a party or catch-up you really don't want to go to. Be aware of how you are spending your energy and say "no" (with love) if you don't have the capacity to do it.
“No matter what the situation, remind yourself, I have a choice.” Deepak Chopra |
Stay Hydrated

A gentle reminder that staying hydrated is the single most VITAL action you can take for your body to function at its best. This becomes even more important as the weather gets warmer and as we enter the festive season where social drinks start flowing.
Instead of waiting for a headache or general fatigue to remind you to hydrate, try keeping a 1 litre bottle at your desk and set an alarm on your phone as often as you need to drink water, or write HYDRATE on a post-it note on your computer. Do whatever you need to do to make sure you drink enough water every day.
Sleep is Non-negotiable
Sleep is the greatest, cheapest and most natural ‘performance-enhancing drug’ that most people neglect. The recommended amount of sleep for adults is 7-9 hours per night.
With extra commitments and extended to-do lists at this time of year, your body is probably expending more energy than usual, which means it needs time to rest and recharge. Prioritise your sleep routine so you don't suffer from burn out or exhaustion.
Plan your Weeks

Planning is an unsung superhero for self-care. Some of us tend to resist planning with the preference to be spontaneous - however I find the more planned I am the more free headspace I have to be present and enjoy what I am doing.
Planning encapsulates all work, family, personal and social commitments. Don't forget to add your exercise and self-care activities (I do these first and build everything else around them).
I also plan "white space" into my diary which is time to do whatever I please at that time.
Planning means everything is written down and allocated time for (or delegated to someone else). Including rest and relaxation time.
Make Decisions
A huge "energy leak" we can experience is when we have big decisions to make and we put off making them. Understandably some decisions take time and research and some decisions are very hard and uncomfortable to make.
If we can make the decision and take action - that loop of energy will close. If the decision needs more time set yourself a deadline OR decide to re-visit it in the new year and give yourself permission to stop thinking about it over the festive season.
“Life is a matter of choices, & every choice you make makes you.” John C. Maxwell |
Food Choices
Absolutely Christmas celebrations are a time to indulge in delicious food that we only eat at this time of year!
Being mindful of our portion sizes and the types of food we are eating for other meals during the day (eg; breakfast), can ensure you are nourishing your cells with all the nutrients you need.
There are so many delicious fruits and fresh salad ingredients available this time of year, so maybe you could try out some new recipes with them.
Mother Nature

There is just something about nature that feels therapeutic – don’t you agree? Maybe it’s the reminder of a world that is so much bigger than our own, and something about that realisation that makes our daily gripes feel somehow less important.
If you spend a lot of time indoors, make it a daily goal to step outside, stretch your legs, take a few deep breaths of fresh air and bask in the sunshine.
Inhaling fresh air helps clear your lungs, increase the flow of oxygen and boost energy levels, concentration and overall mood.
Plan some time in nature over this festive season. A picnic, a bush walk, a beach day. We are so spoilt for options living in South East Queensland.
Fill your Cup

Make time to do things that make YOU FEEL GOOD. Not just painting your nails or getting your hair done, but the things that MAKE YOUR HEART FULL and your SOUL SING.
Dancing, singing, painting, drawing, running, swimming in the ocean, riding a horse, bushwalking, reading. What are your favourite flavours of soul-filling activities???
We hope you implement some of these self-care tips during the silly season. Keep in mind that EVERYTHING we do is a CHOICE!
Have a wonderful holiday,
The team at Integrated Sports and Spinal Clinic
