New Year Health and Wellbeing
Setting resolutions for the year ahead!
Written by Osteopath Gemma Ahrens

Stepping into the new year is a perfect time to set some resolutions, and focusing more on self-care is a popular one. Let's chat about practical ways to take care of your physical health and well-being.

Managing stress is crucial for good mental health, and there are many different strategies to explore. Activities such as journaling, meditation, yoga, deep breathing, aromatherapy and nature walks are all great ways to help you unwind. Try to dedicate a little time each day to relax and recharge.

If boosting physical activity is on your list, try to find something you genuinely enjoy. The best kind of physical activity is one that doubles as a hobby. This could be starting lessons in a new hobby that you have always wanted to try like dancing or tennis, joining a new gym, or running club, or simply taking regular walks or bike rides. Try gathering a friend or two to join you, this will not only make it more fun but you can also keep each other accountable. Remember to warm up and cool down properly to help prevent injuries and aid recovery.

Starting the year right means getting enough sleep. It is recommended that adults get 7-9 hours nightly. Establishing a solid bedtime routine can help you achieve this. Try to avoid electronic devices 30-60 minutes before bed to help your brain wind down. Meditation or breathing exercises can also help your mind and body relax. Reading a book before bed is another excellent way to unwind without screens.

Don’t forget that self-care can also include booking yourself in to get a skin check, getting blood tests to check for any vitamin deficiencies, and taking care of any aches and pains that may be bothering you. Pain can be incredibly stressful, can make it difficult to perform physical activity, and can impact your sleep.
If you are experiencing any aches or pains, you can book yourself in for an appointment here at Integrated Sports and Spinal Clinic and we can help to determine what is causing your pain and how to best manage it. We will offer both advice on how you can manage things at home, as well as provide osteopathic treatment.
You can give us a call on 0425 876 929 or book here
Here's to a year filled with health and happiness!